Nancy Wehnert

Regenerative Coaching Therapy

If you're a high-functioning woman but you feel like a DISASTER on the inside, you're in the right place.

If your life looks good on paper but you’re a mess inside and you’ve tried coaching or therapy but it didn’t work, I’m glad you’ve found me!
Let’s get you some answers and real solutions.
Nancy Wehnert

FREE guide: heal what’s hurting in a powerful new way. 

If you’ve tried coaching, therapy or spent time on personal development but it didn’t work and you’re still feeling like a mess, the groundbreaking Theory of Unmet Needs provides a root-cause explanation and a brand new solution for what it takes to start feeling better.
Regenerative Coaching Therapy

For much of my life I felt like this too.

Are you self-sabotaging? You might use food, alcohol or shopping to feel better but afterwards end up feeling worse about yourself and still have that empty feeling inside. You might let people get away with things, you don’t step in when you should, or you feel helpless to control situations which then perpetuates your own unhappiness and frustration.
Do you wish you could speak up for yourself? You might be able to do it in your business or at work but when it comes to speaking up for yourself personally, it’s hard and feels safer to stay quiet. You don’t have your own back, you put others first, you can’t ask for what you want, you’re not clear on what you want or what you need. You defer to others, you can’t make up your mind.
Do you crave deeper connection? You have so much to give but you can’t open up and share your true self. It’s hard to be authentic and relaxed in your own skin. Your emotions get in the way of opening up. You feel disconnected from yourself and those around you.
Do you want to feel good about yourself? You are constantly judging yourself. You’re unsure of how you look, act or behave and whether you fit in. You feel awkward at times. You wish you felt more confident, secure in yourself, in control of your life and capable.
I understand the deep psychological pain and distress and the underlying sense of unease, emptiness and unhappiness that never seems to go away.


We’ve developed a program that is unique and effective.


We offer a lot more than traditional coaching and therapy provides. 


We meet your social needs and teach you how to meet your needs so that you build a foundation that will set you up for success. 

We’re calling out the coaching, therapy and personal development industries. 

It’s time for things to change. 

For years, my colleague and I individually spent thousands of dollars on coaching, therapy and personal development but we felt no better.
We were frustrated that despite the promises and feeling hopeful that ‘this time’ we’d found the thing that would help us, nothing seemed to work.
It was only when we got together to discuss our similar experiences that we began developing a theory based on the idea that our unmet needs (such as the need to be seen and heard and the need to feel valued and like we matter and that we’re significant) are the cause of the ‘internal disaster’.
We discovered that by meeting each other’s needs and supporting each other to take action to meet our needs and practice expressing our needs, we began feeling much happier, more confident, secure in ourselves, and in control of our lives.
The results we were getting through meeting our needs were far beyond anything we’d got from all the time and money we’d spent on coaching, therapy, and personal development – and our theory helped us understand why this was.
Regenerative Coaching Therapy

The Theory of Unmet Needs and the Meeting Your Needs program

  • A newly developed theory and program that provides a root-cause solution
  • Offers a brand new and long overdue approach to how coaching and therapy is traditionally delivered
  • Support is provided in a way that is intense enough and effective enough to heal our wounds and meet our needs
  • A focus on developing your solid sense of self
  • Supported by a comprehensive evaluation component to ensure that you are progressing and the program is being delivered safely and ethically


If you’re tired of feeling like a mess, there is a way through this. We have the reason why and there is a solution.
This program is for women ready to try something new and join me in creating a movement where we meet our needs, feel better inside and create the enriching lives we’ve always wanted.

Three ways

To meet your needs

Nancy Wehnert


90 minute single session to identify your unmet needs  and explore specific inspiring action steps that you can take immediately.

1-1 8 month program mentor
1:1 private coaching


12-week program. Private 1:1 intensive program to begin your journey of meeting your needs and healing the wound.
nancy wehnert
1:1 private coaching


8-month program. Private, 1:1. A bespoke program tailored to suit your progress. 


I'm Nancy

Introducing the groundbreaking theory of unmet needs.

I’ve been working on this theory of unmet needs for a long time and it’s my absolute passion. I live it and breathe it and it’s changed my life. I’m fascinated by how it keeps providing the explanation and the answer to any problem that comes up, over and over and over again.
You’re a high-functioning, intelligent woman but you feel like a disaster on the inside, and that’s not how it should be. I really believe you’ll appreciate what this theory has to offer and I invite you to download the free guide, sign up to the newsletter (see the free resources page) or book a free call to find out more – or do all three!
I would truly love to help you because I’ve been where you are and I know how painful it is. What I can say is that this theory provides everything that was missing in all the other programs and therapies that I tried. I’m excited to share it with you.


I'm Nancy

Introducing the groundbreaking theory of unmet needs.

I’ve been working on this theory of unmet needs for a long time and it’s my absolute passion. I live it and breathe it and it’s changed my life. I’m fascinated by how it keeps providing the explanation and the answer to any problem that comes up, over and over and over again.
You’re a high-functioning, intelligent woman but you feel like a disaster on the inside, and that’s not how it should be. I really believe you’ll appreciate what this theory has to offer and I invite you to download the free guide, sign up to the newsletter (see the free resources page) or book a free call to find out more – or do all three!
I would truly love to help you because I’ve been where you are and I know how painful it is. What I can say is that this theory provides everything that was missing in all the other programs or therapies that I tried. I’m excited to share it with you.
My most popular program

Work with me 1:1

If you feel ready to take part in an intense yet effective program so that you can start to experience your life in a way that feels more stable and enriching, I invite you to book a free call with me to find out more. The 3-month program provides the foundation to get you started on this path.
Neura Science Academy
Certified Life Coach Seal