Nancy Wehnert

12 Week Program

Dear Coach or Entrepreneur,

If you’ve been trying to build your business for a while, this 12 week program will sky-rocket your progress. Attending to your unmet needs is at the heart of everything you want to accomplish in your life. 

Does this sound like you?

  • believe you’re not accessing your full potential
  • have invested in programs but have not been getting the results you want
  • want to build your business and succeed
  • have a desire to manifest the life of your dreams
  • would like to attract more joy, wealth and abundance into your life

I hear you and we can address all of this by meeting your needs. When you meet your needs you become the powerful creator of your own life. Sign up for a free call and let’s get you started. I look forward to meeting with you.



The 12 week 'Meeting Your Needs' program will have you taking inspired action, stepping into your potential and getting results.

1:1 Private Coaching

12 week signature program. Private 1:1 program to kickstart your unmet needs journey and get you on the path to abundance. Meet your needs, step into abundance, flourish and thrive.

I understand what it's like when you:
  • are not taking the action you want to be taking
  • find yourself procrastinating
  • are often doubting yourself
  • love your business idea but can’t seem to get momentum behind it
  • are frustrated that life isn’t how you want it to be

In the 12 week program we’ll dive into exactly what’s holding you back which is always…

an unmet need.

As you start to meet your needs, you’ll create more abundance in your life and build momentum behind the actions you want to be taking.

What's included.

3 x 90 minute sessions

9 x 60 minute sessions

Unlimited voice messaging between calls – this is where the magic happens! (An intensive experience of potentially up to 8-10 months worth of coaching in 12 weeks).

Third party evaluations throughout the program. This is an evaluation-supported program to ensure you’re getting what you signed up for.  

4-point client-experience satisfaction promise
  1. Evaluated program
  2. Non-judgemental, unconditional safe space
  3. Clear framework
  4. Intensive, immersive private and personalised support
  1. Book a free call below
  2. Learn how your needs will be met
  3. Get started on your path to flourishing.